Updates from HQ

Updates from HQ

We are moving!

Exciting times for the team in Brisbane!

After starting as a simple fabrication shed in 2017, our Brisbane operation has well outgrown itself. We are now moving to a larger factory!

With over fifteen full-time staff in Sales, Operations, and Admin, our Queensland branch is a vital part of the company. Our Brisbane team worked extremely hard toward this growth, offering our excellent products to our customers in Queensland, New South Wales, and Northern Territory.

We thank our extremely valuable customers and suppliers who have helped us every step of the way in our growth to become the business we are today.

Our new factory will open up an opportunity for us to implement more advanced systems and procedures in building greater, stronger, and more consistent products. As a result of this expansion, we will be able to offer our great products to even more lucky customers.

The move will provide a much needed boost, especially for our production staff. At numerous times, they did the impossible in our current facility to meet our customers’ specific needs. Although the daunting task of relocating the production line is still before us, we are extremely eager to get operational in the new address as soon as possible.

In the meanwhile, we are still operating from our factory in Carole Park. To stay updated on our move, check out our LinkedIn page!


New Factory at Easyquip, Brisbane

New factory for Easyquip, QLD